How to Prepare for GSSSB CPT Test
How to Prepare for GSSSB CPT Test, in this post we will guide you about How to Prepare for GSSSB CPT Test Preparation. GSSSB conduct CPT test which is known as Computer Proficiency Test after you are successfully pass the written exam In this post we will give you understanding of the pattern of CPT. we have provided some important tips to clear the the GSSSB CPT Test.
How to Prepare for GSSSB CPT Test

Based on the previous Computer Proficiency Test, we have prepared a study plan which led you to clear the final stage of GSSSB CPT (Computer Proficiency Test).
Topics to covered
- Microsoft Word,
- Microsoft Exel
- Microsoft Power Point
- Typing / Formatting (Gujarati, English)
- Email with attachment
Microsoft Word Based Questions
GSSSB will provide hard copy of question paper with instructions, you have to follow all instructions and do it in practical on computer screen. For example instructions like following.
- Make “COMPUTERS” bold, Italics and wave underline
- Change fonts, Change font Size
- Provide Bullets to the Points.
- Provide Drop Cap –>Dropped to first Paragraph
- Provide light green color to word “COMPUTERS” in your page
- Highlight Word
- Find and Replace Word
- Make Tender Notice/Newspaper advertisement
- Etc.
So you should learn all functions in Microsoft Word to get good Marks.
Microsoft Excel Based Questions
- Salary sheets creation using formula.
- Mark sheets in excel.
- Product Bill in excel
- Formulas
- All excel functions
Microsoft Power Point Based Questions
In this you need to prepare Power Point Presentation, you will be given instructions in hard copy question paper, you need to follow all instructions and make power point presentation slides. (Maximum 3-5 slides will be asked)
For example:
Slide: 1
Slide type:-Title only
Title:-Freedom Fighters of India
Font Size:-41
Font Color:-Orange
Set a picture of freedom fighters from the folder
Email with attachment
In this you will be given sample email paragraph in hard copy question paper, you need to type that on computer. Length of paragraph words depends upon on type exam 50 mark or 75 mark exam.
- Create Email ID Configuration in outlook
- Attach file in email (Pdf, photo, or other file from local file location which will be in paper)
In exam centre GSSSB will provide computers with pre installed indic input software in computer which is helpful in Gujarati typing so you should practice it at home.
Download This Indic Input(Microsoft) From this Link as per your computer requirements (32 /64 bit) – Downlaod
GujaratiIndic Input3-User Guide – Downlaod
So friends we have tried to clear all your doubts regarding GSSSB CPT Computer Proficiency Test, we hope it will be useful for all GSSSB exams. Good luck.
GSSSB CPT Syllabus: Click Here
For GSSSB CPT Material and CPT Papers: Click Here